Literacy 3D
Greenwood, C. R., Abbott, M., Beecher, C., Atwater, J., & Petersen, S. (2017). Development, Validation, and Evaluation of Literacy 3D: A Package Supporting Tier 1 Preschool Literacy Instruction Implementation and Intervention. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 37(1), 29–41.
Literacy 360
Greenwood, C. R., Beecher, C., Atwater, J., Petersen, S., Schiefelbusch, J., & Irvin, D. (2018). An Ecobehavioral Analysis of Child Academic Engagement: Implications for Preschool Children Not Responding to Instructional Intervention. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 37(4), 219–233.
Greenwood, C. R., Carta, J. J., Schnitz, A. G., Irvin, D. W., Jia, F., & Atwater, J. (2019). Filling an Information Gap in Preschool MTSS and RTI Decision Making. Exceptional Children, 85(3), 271–290.
Carta, J., & Young, R.M. (2019, May). Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for Young Children: Driving Change in Early Education. Presentation at National Early Childhood Inclusion Institute Conference, Chapel Hill, NC.
Irvin, D.W., Schnitz, A.G., & Greenwood, C.R. (2020). Improving data-based decision making for preschoolers who are unresponsive to literacy instruction. Conference on Research Innovations in Early Intervention, San Diego, CA.
Irvin, D.W., Schnitz, A.G., & Greenwood, C.R. (2020). Adding precision to data-based, intervention-decision making for individual children who are not responsive to preschool literacy instruction. Annual IES Principal Investigators Meeting. Washington, D.C.
Irvin, D.W., Schnitz, A.G., Guerrero, G., & Greenwood, C.R. (2019). Improving data-based decision making for children who are not responsive to preschool literacy instruction or intervention. The Division for Early Childhood International Conference. Dallas, TX.
Schnitz, A. G. & Greenwood, C. (2019, April). Increasing Preschool Children’s Opportunities to Learn Language and Literacy. A presentation at the Bi-Annual Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.
Schnitz, A. G., Greenwood, C. R., & Irvin, D. (2019, January). The Effects of Literacy 3D: A Tier 1 Professional development intervention to increase teachers’ literacy instruction. Poster presented at the Institute of Educational Sciences Annual Meeting, Washington DC.
Schnitz, A. G., Irvin, D., & Greenwood, C. (2018, October) Literacy 3D: A Tier 1 Professional Development Literacy Intervention for Preschool Teachers. A poster presented at the Division of Early Childhood Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
Greenwood, C. R., Atwater, J., Beecher, C. C., & Abbott, M. (2013, February). Where is the literacy instruction? Developing a coaching intervention to increase teacher-student literacy interactions in preschool. Paper presented at the Conference on Research in Early Intervention (CRIEI), San Diego, CA.
For more information on implementing preschool MTSS, see the Annotated Bibliography here.